
Planck ClojureScript REPL

@mfikes: I’m trying to get the tests running before I start making any changes, but I’m getting the following errors:

$ script/test
Running unit tests...
Running integration tests...
Running integration tests...
< (defn my-function
<   "This is a cool
<   function with a docstring."
<   [x]
<   (* x x))
< nil
< (defn my-function
<   "This is a cool
<   function with a docstring."
<   [x]
<   (* x x))
> Source not found
> nil
> Source not found

Integration tests have failed.
I’m not sure how to interpret the test output or where to go from here.

mfikes 2016-12-13T04:07:37.000076Z

That’s interesting.

mfikes 2016-12-13T04:08:09.000077Z

So, you are getting those failures on a clean build.



mfikes 2016-12-13T04:09:37.000079Z

One idea might be to git clone <> say, to a your Desktop, go in there and try a script/build and script/test in that fresh clone to see if it fails

mfikes 2016-12-13T04:10:00.000080Z

Otherwise this would mean that the build is failing in an odd way on your box.


let me try that

mfikes 2016-12-13T04:11:09.000082Z

(FWIW, is building on macOS and Linux, successfully.)


I assume that means that travis runs the tests before building?