
Planck ClojureScript REPL
johanatan 2017-01-06T03:09:44.000178Z

@mfikes have you seen this?

johanatan 2017-01-06T03:10:05.000179Z

[not that performance is of paramount importance for planck scripting but it might be for certain use cases]

mfikes 2017-01-06T14:06:52.000202Z

@johanatan Ahh cool. Well, since it is in C, we can do anything. 🙂

cgrand 2017-01-06T14:21:08.000203Z

as far as I understand select fails to scale when multiple server processes share a socket, how does it apply to planck?

mfikes 2017-01-06T14:37:09.000204Z

Planck only uses select to read the stdout and stderr of a process launched by and when writing to an outbound Socket REPL socket. Only the first might be of perf concern, but it is just flipping between two streams.