
Planck ClojureScript REPL
nate 2017-02-06T01:04:36.000556Z

@mfikes Ah cool. I've had great success with fpm.

mfikes 2017-02-06T01:33:12.000558Z

@nate Ahh wow. That looks very useful.

slipset 2017-02-06T09:23:59.000561Z

@gamecubate you might be showing a toy-example, but why not use planck for the whole thing?

slipset 2017-02-06T09:25:53.000562Z

cat nums.txt | tally would, in the olden-days win you the "Useless use of cat award”, usually awarded by Randal L. Schwarz of Perl fame.

slipset 2017-02-06T09:26:46.000563Z

this concrete example, i guess could be written as tally nums.txt, where tally is the clojurescript, well, script, which slurps and parses nums.txt at its hearts content.

slipset 2017-02-06T09:45:53.000564Z

which leads me to something like this:

gamecubate 2017-02-06T12:29:38.000567Z

@slipset A toy example absolutely although, in real (nix life) I do pipe stuff around a lot so the odds of tally being "first in line” (as in start of command) are dim. But yes, I agree that command-line-args handling is important for any planck script. Thanks for the example, which I immediately cannibalized. The final script tests for presence of args and reacts accordingly:

slipset 2017-02-06T12:31:31.000568Z

@gamecubate cool! It seems like whenever I come across people asking for help with planck scripts and interacting with the surrounding shell, they tend to forget that more often than not, you need not interact with the shell.

slipset 2017-02-06T12:32:11.000569Z

As in you have a full blown programming language available with (limited) io capabilities.

slipset 2017-02-06T12:32:48.000570Z

Which was one of the reasons I wanted to add native http support in planck, so you wouldn’t have to shell out to curl or wget

slipset 2017-02-06T12:33:31.000571Z

Then again, when integrating with other tools, the need to read from stdin is important.

gamecubate 2017-02-06T12:46:48.000572Z

As long as planck remains nimble and stream-friendly, its involvement in my daily work life can only grow. Enjoying clojure very much and planck fits the mold perfectly.

slipset 2017-02-06T13:41:43.000577Z

@gamecubate bored at work, so I changed it a bit.

gamecubate 2017-02-06T15:55:08.000580Z

@slipset 🙂

gamecubate 2017-02-06T15:56:29.000581Z

Moved on for time being to ripping hair out trying to get hammer.js to play nice with reagent on mobile safari. I don’t whether to hate Safari, or Hammer.js, or both.