
Planck ClojureScript REPL
plexus 2017-02-21T10:49:15.000659Z

is there anything available in Planck that lets you parse HTTP?

slipset 2017-02-21T11:28:18.000660Z

@plexus could you elaborate?

plexus 2017-02-21T11:28:57.000661Z

sorry I meant HTML

plexus 2017-02-21T11:29:27.000662Z

is there any API that ships with planck that turns a HTML string into some structured format?

slipset 2017-02-21T11:29:46.000663Z

don’t think so.

slipset 2017-02-21T11:30:25.000664Z

But couldn’t you use whatever cljs library you’d normally use (not that I know of any off the top of my head)

slipset 2017-02-21T11:31:02.000665Z

slipset 2017-02-21T11:31:21.000667Z

and add it to the classpath of your planck process?

plexus 2017-02-21T11:46:38.000668Z

yes, I know

mfikes 2017-02-21T12:07:21.000669Z

Right, Planck doesn't bundle an HTML parsing lib. One question would be whether your library of choice is compatible with self-hosted ClojureScript.

slipset 2017-02-21T12:14:26.000670Z

I know! Planck/cljs has regexes! You can parse html with regexes!