can planck do an exec? one where it passes the input/out/err to subprocess… like bash does in an exec ?
Planck has a
namespace that mimics
(So, you can't feed the subprocess a stdin
for example.)
sure, the usecase I have in mind is that planck do somethings, but then invoke another program to continue.... like setting up a file with some contents and then launching vi to edit the file
I suppose I can wrap a bash script to do this.
Correction to the above: Planck's sh
imitation lacks the ability to pass a stream in for the :in
quick question, since I have your brain.
cljs.user=> (instance? String "ff") ⬆️ WARNING: Use of undeclared Var cljs.user/String at line 1 Right hand side of instanceof is not an object
what is the namespace for String?
An alternative answer: Use (string? "ff")
You can check to see how ClojureScript implements string?
yea, thats what I did.
(def ^{:arglists '([x]) :doc "Return true if x is a String" :added "1.0" :static true} string? (fn ^:static string? [x] (instance? String x)))
and that seems to show (instance? String x)
That's Clojure
cljs.user=> (source string?)
(defn ^boolean string?
"Returns true if x is a JavaScript string."
(goog/isString x))
well… started from
so I didnt expect to land in clojure