
Planck ClojureScript REPL
slipset 2017-03-24T10:02:05.313901Z

I’m working on some stuff with inf-clojure, and I need to be able to invoke a form which ascertain that we’re running a planck-repl.

slipset 2017-03-24T10:02:21.317723Z

(require ‘planck.core)

slipset 2017-03-24T10:03:48.339324Z

works, but it’s a bit too invasive I think

slipset 2017-03-24T10:13:01.468837Z


slipset 2017-03-24T10:13:15.471753Z

is what I was looking for.

slipset 2017-03-24T10:15:15.498685Z

oh, even better

slipset 2017-03-24T10:15:20.500174Z

(js/global.hasOwnProperty “PLANCK_VERSION”)

slipset 2017-03-24T11:54:53.742332Z

slipset 2017-03-24T11:55:42.752082Z

Seems like Planck is missing "show-arglist" which Lumo has.

slipset 2017-03-24T11:55:51.753897Z

Just saying...

slipset 2017-03-24T12:06:20.885414Z

Now, thinking about this, it'd be cool if REPLs had some kind of 'capabilities' command, such that tooling could ask for this instead of each tool having to have special code for every repl it supported.