
Planck ClojureScript REPL
cgrand 2017-04-11T19:20:34.854786Z

@anmonteiro @mfikes I’m working on #unrepl (basically a repl with a custom machine-printer that allow machine-readable rich output and features discovery). A very nice thing is that we can take a plain clojure repl and upgrade it over the wire to an unrepl repl. Sadly we can’t do the same with selfhosted cljs repls. To me what is missing to enable lumo and planck to be “upgradable” is that there are no standard way to get a hold of the two of three pieces of a REPL: • there’s no read (or there’s no read that when called from user-evaluated code read from *in* -- because there’s no *in*), • there’s no eval (or a standard way to get the compiler env to pass to cljs.js/eval). The P is covered by *print-fn* and friends.

cgrand 2017-04-11T19:21:03.864573Z

I’ve started working on the R part: writing an evented reader

cgrand 2017-04-11T19:22:28.893849Z

using that reader the underlying impl can feed the *in* stream and (read (fn [val ex] ...)) calls its callback (once) either when the form is complete or failed.

cgrand 2017-04-11T19:23:34.916010Z

I think such a reader would be valuable in cljs.js proper (in lieu of the “blocking-style” cljs.reader).

cgrand 2017-04-11T19:31:05.073536Z

disclaimer: this reader is not complete (no meta, no taglits, no ns map, no regexes, no anon fns, no syntax quote or quote...)

mfikes 2017-04-11T20:08:57.871927Z

@cgrand Planck's compiler env happens to be at planck.repl/st

mfikes 2017-04-11T20:10:17.898549Z

Planck also happens to have planck.core/eval which is like Clojure's eval. Do you need to eval ClojureScript forms or JavaScript code?

mfikes 2017-04-11T20:19:22.081576Z

I had also started work on a read in Planck that reads from *in*, but haven't completed it. (This branch

cgrand 2017-04-11T20:42:41.560348Z

@mfikes interesting. For both read and eval you try to stay true to Clojure. But given JS shouldn't you have both taking a callback?

mfikes 2017-04-11T20:43:42.581125Z

I suppose that would be better. Everything that Planck does with JavaScriptCore is synchronous.