
Planck ClojureScript REPL
willier 2017-09-27T01:52:11.000093Z

hello planck users

willier 2017-09-27T01:53:12.000149Z

./foo consists of

#!/usr/bin/env planck
(ns foo.core)

(defn greet [name]
  (println (str "Hello " name "!")))

(defn -main [name]
  (greet name))
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

willier 2017-09-27T01:53:54.000018Z

chmod 755 ./foo

willier 2017-09-27T01:54:19.000041Z

planck ./foo ClojureScript

willier 2017-09-27T01:54:28.000163Z

produces no output

willier 2017-09-27T01:55:28.000106Z

planck --version = 2.7.3

willier 2017-09-27T01:56:04.000013Z

this was taken straight from

mfikes 2017-09-27T02:02:09.000047Z

@willier It looks like I had inadvertently pushed out master’s documentation. I

mfikes 2017-09-27T02:02:18.000011Z

‘ve updated it to reflect the 2.7.3 release.

mfikes 2017-09-27T02:02:55.000104Z

The feature you are attempting to use is on master with

willier 2017-09-27T02:04:26.000086Z

ah OK

willier 2017-09-27T02:06:32.000042Z

thanks for the update. will wait for the release