
Planck ClojureScript REPL
fmnoise 2017-12-23T20:41:37.000018Z

hi, does anyone has a link to planck project bootstrap tutorial?

mfikes 2017-12-23T20:42:28.000047Z

Not sure what you mean by that @fmnoise... the main Planck website is here

fmnoise 2017-12-23T20:59:02.000035Z

I mean maybe some lein template etc


I just use planck for a quick-n-easy repl, and maybe some light scripting. What kind of project are you thinking of using it for, @fmnoise?

fmnoise 2017-12-23T21:25:34.000036Z

I'm just trying it out and thinking about possible usage on aws lambda


My understanding of planck is that it is intended to be used on Macs via the javascript engine built into OS X, as a way of avoiding the longer startup time for JVM-based Clojure. I don’t think it would be very useful on AWS

mfikes 2017-12-23T21:28:13.000067Z

Planck exists for Linux, FWIW. But for AWS Lambda, I'd consider compiling ClojureScript down to JavaScript to be executed by Node.


It does? Cool, I knew lumo was available on Linux but I didn’t know planck was there too

fmnoise 2017-12-23T21:31:03.000005Z

thanks guys, pretty clear