
Planck ClojureScript REPL
vigilancetech 2018-10-21T07:07:27.000100Z

have any of you guys got spiral/unrepl working with planck?

mfikes 2018-10-21T11:39:08.000100Z

@vigilancetech I had, quite a while back. Here is a gist showing it working:

vigilancetech 2018-10-21T15:16:14.000100Z

what about nrepl? Anyone getting close on that?

mfikes 2018-10-21T15:35:29.000100Z

I think Evan Niessen-Derry was considering or working on a port of the nREPL protocol to ClojureScript, which would make it easier for Lumo and Planck to support nREPL.

mfikes 2018-10-21T15:35:45.000100Z

(That was a couple of years ago.)