
Planck ClojureScript REPL

No, I don't have immediate need or use for it Mike. I'm interested only in the sense that one day I may try to implement fzf in planck, because it's so nice to have, but until then I'm going to do without.

mfikes 2019-10-30T00:07:41.034600Z

@austin.chamberlin Cool. I think the ability to get keypress events will be a nice thing to have generally. I have it working in blocking mode already (that part was easy). Next I’m cobbling together an async variant in case you want to have a program run and do other things and get called back when a keypress occurs.

mfikes 2019-10-30T00:32:52.035800Z

:thinking_face: it might be cool to have a planck.curses namespace that sits atop ncurses, making it easy to build console apps (This is a generalization of the idea of getting key presses.)

😮 1
futuro 2019-10-30T23:42:07.036800Z

That would be super neat!


that indeed would be cool. and would add an easy way for people to do something in clojure that was previously basically impossible (interactive cli apps in java)