I wonder how planck deals with this problem? https://clojurians.slack.com/archives/C6QH853H8/p1576069900418900
It's not really a problem, more an optimization
Spec is part of ClojureScript so isn’t usually put on the classpath
(It is internally shipped and loaded if requested)
Maybe via plk
which is based on clj
some extra things are on the classpath?
Yeah, perhaps a minimal classpath could be beneficial—there are JARs that will never really be used.
afaik clojure
will always put clojure spec on the classpath
and clojure itself too
which is pointless for self-hosted CLJS
in the C code I saw a mention of blacklist, not sure if that was related
It's been a while since I've looked at that code
I probably saw / remembered that wrong, can't find it anymore
a simple solution would just be to ignore certain things from the classpath by a regex or something
a dirty hack:
{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:local/root "."}}}
Tip from Alex:
{:aliases {:babashka {:classpath-overrides {org.clojure/clojure nil
org.clojure/spec.alpha nil
org.clojure/core.specs.alpha nil}}}}
$ clj -C:babashka -Spath