
Planck ClojureScript REPL
borkdude 2020-01-01T23:35:31.001600Z

A tiny enhancement to deps.clj, now you can use an alias to replicate (I think) the behavior of plk:

$ alias plk2='deps.clj -Scommand "planck -c {{classpath}} {{main-opts}}"'
$ plk2 -Sdeps '{:deps {medley {:mvn/version "1.2.0"}}}' -e "(require '[medley.core :refer [index-by]]) (index-by :id [{:id 1} {:id 2}])"
{1 {:id 1}, 2 {:id 2}}

borkdude 2020-01-01T23:36:17.002300Z

Not that you would want to do this, the plk script works perfectly fine, just showing the possibility