Is it possible for planck.repl/completions to be marked public?
@dpsutton There is something along those lines that was made public for use by Emacs...
Hmm. I’d love to know. I’m revamping inf-clojure and wanted something. As far as I can tell it throws warnings about being non-public
My foggy memory is planck.repl/get-arglists
Are you maybe referring to planck.repl/get-completions
ljs.user=> (planck.repl/get-completions "map")
WARNING: var: planck.repl/get-completions is not public at line 1
#js ["map" "MapEntry" "map" "map-entry?" "map-indexed" "map?" "mapcat" "mapv"]
yes its get-completions
it works but issues a warning on each invocation
i think for arglists i'm just inspecting metadata so nothing custom needed
Yeah, I don't see why something like that couldn't be made public. (Or perhaps a variant that returns a vector...)
yeah i think for our purposes a simple vector would be better. but we can always handle the marshalling on our side
In the meanwhile, if you want to see how it would behave without warnings, I wonder if you can get away with calling it as (@#'planck.repl/get-completions "map")
Or, actually, just (#'planck.repl/get-completions "map")
why the @
Yeah, the @
isn't required
But, if you'd like a version that is public, retuns a vector, etc, feel free to add an issue to the Planck repo
will do. thanks so much. hope you're safe
Yep, going nowhere these days. 🙂 Hope you are safe too.