
seancorfield 2020-08-03T04:59:06.000900Z

I figure you might as well have a channel to chat about Portal...

djblue 2020-08-03T04:59:20.001400Z

This is really cool, thanks!

seancorfield 2020-08-03T05:08:14.003100Z

I want to encourage more people to use these visualization tools. I think tools like REBL, Reveal, and Portal are important to Clojurians. I think that this is a great example of what tap> and datafy / nav can do for tooling!

djblue 2020-08-03T05:19:04.003700Z

I agree! I'm really excited to see what kind of work flows these type of tools enable.

djblue 2020-08-03T05:19:23.004Z

I think a major plus is that they aren't coupled to any particular IDE / editor which really reduces their barrier to entry.

djblue 2020-08-03T05:20:43.004200Z

Personally, I've been playing with the idea of generating a program trace as a nav tree and visualizing it in portal.

djblue 2020-08-03T05:21:34.005200Z

So instead of having to manually instrument your code with individual print statements, just instrument the root and nav to anything that looks interesting.

djblue 2020-08-03T05:23:15.006200Z

Normally this would look overwhelming in a terminal, but in a browser you can focus on what's important

seancorfield 2020-08-03T05:32:42.008300Z

That looks very interesting! And the nice thing about using tap> is that multiple tools can benefit from the underlying trace data.

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seancorfield 2020-08-03T17:45:19.010400Z

I added @logbot and @zulip-mirror-bot so this channel gets archived to ClojureVerse and Zulip.

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seancorfield 2020-08-03T20:57:27.012100Z

@djblue I keep forgetting that (portal.api/open) will block if it finds and starts Chrome (whereas browse-url does not block) so it would probably be friendlier if it defaulted to running in a future?

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seancorfield 2020-08-03T20:59:30.012500Z

Also, I updated my https://github.com/seancorfield/atom-chlorine-setup to reference Portal (as well as Reveal and REBL).

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djblue 2020-08-03T21:15:41.012800Z

I should be able to fix this soon 💯

djblue 2020-08-03T22:50:57.014Z

Anyone have any preferences on keyboard shortcuts? I was going to add a few for quickly toggling between different viewers.

practicalli-john 2020-08-04T09:46:10.014600Z

vim style key bindings are always appreciated 🙂

💯 1
djblue 2020-08-04T22:23:16.015200Z

What would be a good way to map vim key bindings?