
djblue 2021-03-16T02:57:54.000700Z

https://clojurians.slack.com/archives/C06MAR553/p1615863320002500 Please give it a try and let me know what you think πŸŽ‰

πŸŽ‰ 4
mikejcusack 2021-03-16T20:57:56.006600Z

Nice additions!

❀️ 1
kiemdoder 2021-03-16T18:01:38.002300Z

how does one get the diff view to be available to be selected?

kiemdoder 2021-03-16T18:02:53.003400Z

I looked at the Apropos demo and I just can’t reproduce what I saw there with diff view

djblue 2021-03-16T18:03:56.004100Z

Currently the predicate looks for a https://github.com/djblue/portal/blob/master/src/portal/ui/viewer/diff.cljs#L23-L24, I've been meaning to loosen up the predicate but haven't gotten to it yet

djblue 2021-03-16T18:13:41.005400Z

With the introduction of item selection, I'm hoping to add multi-select in the future! It would allow people to select multiple items and apply a function. Not sure how to do it yet, so it's still baking πŸ‘Œ

kiemdoder 2021-03-16T18:36:01.006300Z

I actually tried to multi-select as well. Good to know that is brewing. :-)

πŸ˜„ 1