
Portkey: from REPL to Serverless in one call
viesti 2017-09-21T15:18:09.000115Z

@cgrand was looking at the question of “why no check of function-policy here?“: https://github.com/portkey-cloud/portkey/blob/master/src/main/clojure/portkey/core.clj#L468

viesti 2017-09-21T15:19:11.000453Z

had to read what I had done, but reason probably was that lambda/import-rest-api is branch where we create the API for the first time

viesti 2017-09-21T15:19:50.000496Z

meaning that there wasn’t an api, at least not with name portkey

viesti 2017-09-21T15:20:52.000114Z

so figuring that the lambda function should then not have invoke permission for <http://apigateway.amazonaws.com|apigateway.amazonaws.com> principal

viesti 2017-09-21T15:23:53.000301Z


viesti 2017-09-21T15:25:45.000548Z

should probably really parse output of lambda/get-policy and check that there is a statement that allows <http://apigateway.amazonaws.com|apigateway.amazonaws.com> to invoke the function

viesti 2017-09-21T15:26:06.000598Z

current version fails if there is another policy attached…

cgrand 2017-09-21T15:32:37.000021Z

emacs tricks...

viesti 2017-09-21T18:17:37.000477Z

> Could not find artifact portkey:aws-clj-sdk:jar:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT in clojars (https://clojars.org/repo/)

viesti 2017-09-21T18:17:40.000236Z

ah hmm…

viesti 2017-09-21T18:17:49.000349Z


viesti 2017-09-21T18:32:43.000390Z

green again https://circleci.com/gh/portkey-cloud/portkey/26