@cgrand was looking at the question of “why no check of function-policy here?“: https://github.com/portkey-cloud/portkey/blob/master/src/main/clojure/portkey/core.clj#L468
had to read what I had done, but reason probably was that lambda/import-rest-api
is branch where we create the API for the first time
meaning that there wasn’t an api, at least not with name portkey
so figuring that the lambda function should then not have invoke permission for <http://apigateway.amazonaws.com|apigateway.amazonaws.com>
should probably really parse output of lambda/get-policy
and check that there is a statement that allows <http://apigateway.amazonaws.com|apigateway.amazonaws.com>
to invoke the function
current version fails if there is another policy attached…
emacs tricks...
> Could not find artifact portkey:aws-clj-sdk:jar:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT in clojars (https://clojars.org/repo/)
ah hmm…
green again https://circleci.com/gh/portkey-cloud/portkey/26