yeah, the warmup
Fargate maybe
I think it was (ab)using cloudwatch or some kind of health check
at the AWS day the amazon lot said to use cloudwatch to ping as a workaround which was a bit eek
Hey, I’ve got a stupid idea!
Pinging is vaguely efficient in keeping a small pool active, right?
but it fails at preventing cold starts when the pool is depleted, right too?
If in each lambda we probabilisticly determine to invoke the lambda again (just for warmup) then we dynamically warm up more instances.
@viesti @dominicm @alex.lynham am I nut?
nut, you, never!
so haven’t done investigation, but there were some posts that every 4hours the cluster reboots
so there is at least that kind of cold start
each deploy is cold start
yeah they randomly bring the lambda instances down every once in a while
so you have cold starts from not being used & cold starts from instances being cycled
the cold start cycle for cluster reboot starts at lambda creation, I think
but 👍 for probabilistic warmup
there’s two uses
production and repl
which have different strategies
if your lambda is active enough it’s deployed on several containers so on cycling you lose only some of your caapacity, not all
very true
I guess as long as there's at least a small pool at any given time you should be golden
when we used to shuffle around v large volumes in amazon we had to warm things as part of a deployment step so sometimes hacks are needed
I’m looking for a reference for this statement > The container is not used for a second invocation until the first one finishes.
I read that on hackernoon, they may have a reference.
I have written a crude simulator:
@cgrand shared a file:
under constant load (which is the best case for Lambda), the number of perceived cold starts would be almost halved with probabilistic warmup
Something beyond the README?
hmm, at which point does it cost more to keep warm lambdas then to run an on-demand ec2 (cost dependa on instance type)
disclaimer: my sim worst sin may be temporal aliasing
Yeah. I think you're basically inventing ec2 when you do a warm lambda.
There’s a bit more work and integration to do with ec2.
When I suggested probabilistic warmup it was to ensure there was always a buffer of ready containers to diminish latency on activity bursts.
> work and integration There is? ASGs are fairly well explored. You set them to a minimum of X and you're good to go? Maybe I'm used to the convenience of terraforn/cloudformation managing that stuff
yes it’s not about autoscaling it’s about “packaging”
/github subscribe portkey-cloud/portkey
/github subscribe portkey-cloud/aws-clj-sdk
hmh, didn’t figure out how to put documentation key into shape:
haa, almost, there are more documentation keys in the maven packaged model
portkey.awsgen> (generate-files!)
generating “appsync” “2017-07-25"
generating “events” “2015-10-07"
skipping protocol “json”
generating “elasticfilesystem” “2015-02-01”
generating “serverlessrepo” “2017-09-08”
ExceptionInfo In: [1 1 “SourceCodeUrl” 1 1 0] val: “locationName” fails at: [:members 1 1 :querystringmap :shape 0] predicate: #{“shape”}
nearly there
hum, serverlessrepo appeared quite recently