hmm, put up a branch for reading models from a maven artifact
thinkin that could merge it to master
hmm, not, missed how src/portkey/aws/lambda.clj
is generated
ah, missed this if:
(if version
[( (str “src/portkey/aws/” apifile “/_” version “.clj”))
(symbol (str “” apins “.-” version))]
[( (str “src/portkey/aws/” apifile “.clj”))
(symbol (str “” apins))])
there's only one version in aws-java-sdk-models
why I got here was that wanted to create lambda with current max memory limit (3008MB) :)
does it work?
nearly there
user=> (lambda/create-function {:function-name “testing” :runtime “java8" :handler “com.example.myapp” :memory-size 3008 :role “arn:aws:iam::262355063596:role/portkey” :code {:s3-bucket “tiuhti-portkey” :s3-key “”}})
{:role “arn:aws:iam::262355063596:role/portkey”, :description “”, :revision-id “52694660-d403-4999-a8e6-564f0e5cf1ff”, :code-size 4373063, :function-arn “arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:262355063596:function:testing”, :dead-letter-config {}, :master-arn nil, :last-modified “2018-03-27T15:22:22.200+0000”, :code-sha256 “V+BmqCrzvIiu0RfCbNqMWwKHN0ZM3J8FgHUve+9OnL8=“, :runtime :java8, :memory-size 3008, :vpc-config {}, :environment {}, :tracing-config {:mode :pass-through}, :timeout 3, :version “$LATEST”, :kmskey-arn nil, :handler “com.example.myapp”, :function-name “testing”}
have to learn more git magic to clean my working copy from generated files
while working on the generator, that is
succesfull run brings only new stuff working stuff
added lein gen-aws-api
many new API’s and changes to existing ones
30 new APIs since the last check?
reInvent happened between september and now
let’s hope they didn’t introduce new protocols
hmm, might be that new APIs not fully generated
Encountered 8 errors while generating, failed for APIs: serverlessrepo, runtime.lex, apigateway, mq, medialive, mediaconvert, guardduty, mediapackage
should probably remove a file that encountered exception while printing to it
a pure program doesn’t even create files
we need heat here up north
portkey isn’t as hot as bitcoin mining though
🙂 you know your classics
learning 🙂
realising that gen-aws-api
might remove existing API’s
deleted: src/portkey/aws/apigateway.clj
no one uses that!
apigateway? really? 🙂
might keep the old one
well or just git not choose it
but off to the heat of sauna
bitcoin-heated sauna?
just traditional dumb heat for now
A sauna sounds nice...
it’s Finnish tradition to have one in every house
user=> (require '[ :as apigw])
user=> (apigw/get-rest-apis)
{:items [{:created-date "2017-07-25T19:45:52Z", :id "04d57u6034", :name "portkey", :version "2018-03-23T19:15:08+02"} {:created-date "2017-10-01T17:12:42Z", :id "4jhj5avwn7", :name "lol", :version "2017-10-01T20:16:19+03"}]}