
Portkey: from REPL to Serverless in one call


baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:39:24.000034Z

nice @viesti

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:39:44.000095Z

I am working monday & tuesday on this project, full day

viesti 2018-03-31T16:39:56.000023Z

whoa, that’s nice too 🙂

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:40:06.000057Z

don’t hesitate to give feedbacks or updates

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:40:49.000048Z

I’ll look at your commits anyway

viesti 2018-03-31T16:41:13.000008Z

haven’t had time to really look into the sigv2 stuff, have been narrow-focused on smaller things I guess

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:42:12.000024Z

I believe that if we are 💯 on signing, things are going to be easier

viesti 2018-03-31T16:42:20.000133Z

nice 🙂

viesti 2018-03-31T16:42:34.000091Z

there’s a wip of xml in Christophe’s branch too

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:42:40.000029Z

because specs & conforms are pretty good

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:43:11.000117Z

and I am not far from being okay with the query protocol once signing is finished for v4 (corner cases)

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:43:43.000001Z

then we’ll have some deserialization to deal with

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:43:52.000071Z

and your work on updating apis

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:43:56.000001Z

lot of work ^^

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:44:02.000112Z

for a side project lol

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:44:46.000101Z

sometimes I wish I was unemployed to work full time on OSS

baptiste-from-paris 2018-03-31T16:44:52.000120Z


viesti 2018-03-31T16:48:13.000046Z

yeah, supporting all of AWS api’s is some amount of work 🙂

viesti 2018-03-31T16:48:37.000071Z

but I think there’s good leverage here

viesti 2018-03-31T16:49:18.000037Z

given the number of services

viesti 2018-03-31T16:58:43.000037Z

two days for a side project is quite nice though
