
Portkey: from REPL to Serverless in one call

viesti 2018-04-27T12:51:51.000119Z

https://github.com/portkey-cloud/portkey/issues/41 is the issues related clj-http

viesti 2018-04-27T12:52:10.000274Z

making clj-http work would greatly increase usability of portkey 🙂

viesti 2018-04-27T12:54:42.000365Z

we need to hijack the part of the brain of @cgrand where the solution for this problem is boiling 🙂

cgrand 2018-04-27T12:55:58.000125Z

this peculiar pot used to boil but has been put in the freezer

viesti 2018-04-27T12:56:19.000304Z

at times thinking that I need to learn to train my brain to be more efficient, or figure out how to calm the part that makes me do too large amount of context switch 🙂

viesti 2018-04-27T12:58:08.000132Z

cold brewing solution

cgrand 2018-04-27T13:05:55.000408Z

@viesti I’m struggling digging up init errors from cloudwatch. Could you copy/paste them in the issue?

viesti 2018-04-27T13:15:59.000557Z

eek, my aws certification expired, wonder if I’m able to 🙂

viesti 2018-04-27T13:16:27.000500Z

hum, there’s a test, which might output even better the error

cgrand 2018-04-27T13:16:44.000170Z

planned skills obsolescence

viesti 2018-04-27T13:16:55.000417Z

remembering that what ends up into Cloudwatch is the Attempting to call unbound fn: #’clj-http.core/request: java.lang.IllegalStateException

cgrand 2018-04-27T13:17:59.000641Z

that’s what ends up in CloudWatch at request time

cgrand 2018-04-27T13:18:25.000174Z

the actual error happens when the static init is performed

viesti 2018-04-27T13:21:44.000519Z

yes, as far as I rememer, that doesn’t end into Cloudwatch, but let’s see

viesti 2018-04-27T13:29:04.000027Z

so made a test, don’t find initialization logs in Cloudwatch

viesti 2018-04-27T13:29:37.000424Z

which is a bit odd

viesti 2018-04-27T13:29:46.000612Z

maybe the stub swallows it?

viesti 2018-04-28T17:54:28.000158Z

Nope. Can't now think of place to look from in AWS. But I remember making the clj-http test so that it reveals kryo errors: https://github.com/portkey-cloud/portkey/blob/e7492b086370bbb5f74032000cd649398d1bcc95/test/portkey/core_test.clj#L223

viesti 2018-04-27T13:29:59.000600Z


viesti 2018-04-27T13:30:30.000594Z

should the try/catch contain unfreezing too? https://github.com/portkey-cloud/portkey/blob/master/src/main/java/portkey/LambdaStub.java#L18

viesti 2018-04-27T13:34:18.000347Z

hmm, didn’t help

viesti 2018-04-27T13:34:44.000569Z

we found place that Cloudwatch logging doesn’t cover? 🙂

viesti 2018-04-27T13:35:15.000309Z

hmm, might actually be that only requires-time stdout/stderr is logged

viesti 2018-04-27T13:35:22.000384Z

but not process start-time output

viesti 2018-04-27T13:36:17.000157Z


viesti 2018-04-27T13:37:00.000195Z

failure in the static initializer would result in handler not being assigned…

viesti 2018-04-27T13:37:59.000010Z

so hmm

cgrand 2018-04-27T13:45:55.000315Z

No, I remember reading them. Not in cloud watch then?

cgrand 2018-04-27T13:47:13.000040Z

static init recreates vars and populates them, failure occurs during population of vars so some vars are left unassigned

viesti 2018-04-27T13:59:57.000111Z

still we get a handler

viesti 2018-04-27T14:00:13.000435Z

dealing with errors is error prone