so we'd have something similar to -rest-json-call
for query string protocol?
if not the same time but parameterized
{“name” #{},
“http” #{“method” “requestUri”},
“input” #{“shape”},
“output” #{“resultWrapper” “shape”},
“errors” #{}}
and here are the keys that I found for the query
errors contains some shapes representing errors
so really simplified compared to rest-json
so my goal is to translate each shape
(`map` list
, atomic ones) into query-string or form-params
if I have time, I could take a look at grabbing docs from separate files, maybe on some evening
if you can check also if everything is fine for the LATEST thing
depends if our little one goes to sleep easily 🙂
food for thought
>>> Takeaways • The future is granular, interactive and massively parallel. • Many applications can benefit from this “Laptop Extension” model. • Better platforms are needed to be built to support “bursty” massively-parallel jobs.
nodding on the last bullet
it’s too easy to just throw users at a database and then wonder why stuff doesn’t work performantly
In the next few weeks, it’s open-source, no deadline 🙂
Could you tell more?
@cgrand is it a conférence you attended ?
nope some slides I came across
you are working on distributed computing ?
I really don’t understand how you can split an encoding job between 5000' thread
on conferences,
at my current project, we have this 12 node Redshift cluster
I have a feeling that I'm slowly morphing into a dbadmin
I have very good feedbacks on ClojuTRE
I have to go this year
I think 2014 was my first ClojuTRE, has been really good event every time 🙂
The attribute stuff is so uncool
Similar things are to watch out when using spark, but haven’t used a real distributed cluster. Would like to see a Spark cluster used with powderkeg 🙂
question, should we create different (spec/conformer) based on the protocol to format the request or use only specs globally and rework the input
e.g :
[{:topic-arn "2w",
:label "h",
:awsaccount-id ["8L" "" "" "" "ff"],
:action-name ["1" "m" "n" "ne" "" "GR" "" "56" "6"]}
{"TopicArn" "2w",
"Label" "h",
"AWSAccountId" ["8L" "" "" "" "ff"],
"ActionName" ["1" "m" "n" "ne" "" "GR" "" "56" "6"]}]
this exercise
returns vectors for the list
If I read the doc well, this translate to something like that =>
&ActionName.member.1=Publish &ActionName.member.2=GetTopicAttributes
&Label=NewPermission &AWSAccountId.member.1=987654321000
&AWSAccountId.member.2=876543210000 &Action=AddPermission &SignatureVersion=2
&SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=2010-03-31T12%3A00%3A00.000Z
&AWSAccessKeyId=(AWS Access Key ID)
with ActionName.member.1=Publish &ActionName.member.2=GetTopicAttributes
as values
kind of the same pattern for maps
so structure
, map
and list
are the 3 compound types
but we can exclude structure
as it’s a global wrapper
I might be off but has a way of changing a conformer:
I wrote something like that =>
(defn conformed-input->query-protocol-input
"Given a conformed input, transform the input to be compliant to
the `query` protocol of AWS."
(into {} (for [[k v] input]
(string? v) [k v]
(vector? v) (into {} (map-indexed (fn [i v'] [(str k ".member." i) v'])) v)
(map? v) (into {}
(x/for [[k' v'] %]
[[(str k ".entry.") k'] [(str k ".entry.") v']])
(map-indexed (fn [i [[k1 v1] [k2 v2]]]
[[(str k1 i ".key") v1] [(str k2 i ".value") v2]]))
I am not sure it’s the best way but it works
My plan was/is to decouple spec and transformation. (Wip in my old wip branch)
you mean not use spec conformers ?
what we know is that description files are the same for the 5 protocols
so specs are working that way
but output/conforming has little differences
by the way, same goes for the output specs
does it recall you something @cgrand =>
(concat (map #(str "ser-" %) inputs) (map #(str "req<-" %) input-roots)
(map #(str "deser-" %) outputs) (map #(str "resp->" %) output-roots))
the shape-seq
makes me really nervous
@cgrand when you have the time, it would be awesome of you can explain to me the overall archetecture that you were looking for
from there I can try to draw some stuff and then go back to your code