
Portkey: from REPL to Serverless in one call
viesti 2018-05-11T11:44:31.000019Z

I used to think that aws-clj-sdk was a bit of NIH, but the approach seems more right to me now. Amazonica gets quite far, but there is feeling of a stronger grip in going to the APIs directly.

tatut 2018-05-11T13:13:17.000277Z

Can aws-clj-sdk provide better docs and arglists than amazonica?

tatut 2018-05-11T13:13:59.000065Z

I really disliked that the arguments in amazonica are like string-1 string-2 input-stream-1… difficult to say what they are

tatut 2018-05-11T13:14:17.000357Z

although I understand the technical reason (can’t get the argnames by reflecting the client Java class)

cgrand 2018-05-11T13:16:27.000135Z

1/ shapes-as-specs would show up in doc output (doc for free) 2/ I believe that @viesti is working on exploiting these fine json files https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/apis/lambda/2014-11-11/docs-2.json

tatut 2018-05-11T13:17:39.000212Z

oh yes, I think I did some line-breaking stuff for the docs

tatut 2018-05-11T13:17:42.000350Z

now I remember

tatut 2018-05-11T13:19:21.000453Z

:thinking_face: are the AWS APIs implemented in Java, names like "UploadFunctionRequest$FunctionZip" seem like inner class names to me

cgrand 2018-05-11T13:27:49.000452Z

Maybe but here the $ seems to denote more a field than an inner class (FunctionZip is a Blob)

viesti 2018-05-11T15:23:37.000181Z

docs are extracted, and for example cider spec browsing works quite nicely

viesti 2018-05-11T15:25:15.000808Z

might be even more descriptive than python/boto kwargs version

viesti 2018-05-11T15:26:41.000358Z

we just need to support more carrier protocols, to have complete success :)


