
Portkey: from REPL to Serverless in one call


viesti 2018-06-06T18:27:24.000375Z

> You can leverage your code both inside Datomic transactions and queries, and from the world at large via built-in support for AWS Lambda.

viesti 2018-06-06T18:27:34.000816Z


baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:27:37.000195Z

thatโ€™s awesome

viesti 2018-06-06T18:40:04.000225Z

quite a thing that has been brewing

viesti 2018-06-06T18:41:22.000334Z

hmm :)

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:41:25.000568Z


baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:42:06.000699Z

somehow he will join portkey youโ€™ll see

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:42:11.000556Z


baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:42:13.000053Z


baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:42:14.000276Z


viesti 2018-06-06T18:45:46.000202Z


viesti 2018-06-06T18:50:56.000257Z

He responded to my comment, eek! :)

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:51:07.000738Z

which one ?

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:51:59.000129Z

by the way, Iโ€™d love to have some help here =>

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:52:05.000770Z

(if (and (seq? form) (= 'do (first form)))
                                (run! prn (next form))
                                (prn form))

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:52:16.000010Z

in generate-files!

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:52:27.000686Z

I am adding resp & ser & declare statements

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:52:42.000738Z

and I struggle to format it well in da file

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T18:53:07.000233Z

do you know the why of (= โ€™do...) ?

viesti 2018-06-06T19:20:33.000185Z

hmm, skips the do in say (do (println โ€œfooโ€) (println โ€œbarโ€))

viesti 2018-06-06T19:22:22.000067Z

gen-operation seems to output a do block

viesti 2018-06-06T19:22:37.000418Z

that getโ€™s rid of it

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T19:22:38.000492Z

yes, just figured it out

viesti 2018-06-06T19:22:53.000238Z

maybe just to return multiple items

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T19:23:00.000366Z

now debugging some bug made by @cgrand in the shape-by-usage fn

viesti 2018-06-06T19:23:00.000542Z

would still probably work with the do

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T19:23:11.000482Z

master does makes some bug ๐Ÿ˜‚

viesti 2018-06-06T19:23:16.000343Z

not pointing any fingers ๐Ÿ˜„

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T19:23:27.000184Z

I am just joking ๐Ÿ˜‰

viesti 2018-06-06T19:23:30.000535Z

for the pupil to learn ๐Ÿ™‚

baptiste-from-paris 2018-06-06T19:23:33.000710Z


dominicm 2018-06-06T20:27:33.000325Z

https://docs.datomic.com/cloud/ions/ions-reference.html#web-code you guys were working on something like this right?

viesti 2018-06-06T20:30:39.000711Z

just a ring adapter in portkey currently

viesti 2018-06-06T20:32:04.000520Z

with pk/mount-ring!