
cgrand 2017-03-08T09:09:00.000002Z

By “sketching” I meant toying with an impl https://gist.github.com/cgrand/9e15363ef790471a9f6f1364d79cc6c8

viesti 2017-03-08T09:51:16.000004Z

hmm, could this be on a branch with Clojure 1.9?

viesti 2017-03-08T09:52:48.000005Z

alternatively, when Spark 2.0 support is merged, we hop to Clojure 1.8 and then we could use the spec backport for 1.8 https://github.com/tonsky/clojure-future-spec

viesti 2017-03-08T09:53:45.000006Z

this would allow to jump to 1.9 just by changing required namespaces

viesti 2017-03-08T09:54:44.000007Z

for what it's worth, I could live with 1.9 directly, but staying on 1.8 could make it more easy to link with currently built apps

cgrand 2017-03-08T10:53:34.000008Z

well I guess the presence of spec could be sniffed so that it could be mainline

viesti 2017-03-08T14:48:41.000002Z


viesti 2017-03-08T14:50:20.000003Z

actually, about helping with Spark 2.0, you could probably try out cgore/newer-spark to see if changes in it work :)

viesti 2017-03-08T14:50:51.000004Z

having said that, I'm wondering how to also support 1.x

cgrand 2017-03-08T15:32:58.000005Z

macros 🙂

cgrand 2017-03-08T15:33:08.000006Z

and reflection

viesti 2017-03-08T16:17:40.000008Z

though Scala version also matters

cgore 2017-03-08T19:42:27.000002Z


cgore 2017-03-08T19:43:09.000004Z

So we just checked on that weirdness, it was a lack-of-coffee bug, I was misreading the output on one of the examples 😄

cgore 2017-03-08T19:43:22.000005Z

The examples all work on my end.

cgore 2017-03-08T19:45:49.000006Z


viesti 2017-03-08T20:02:06.000010Z

lack of coffee 🙂

viesti 2017-03-08T20:02:25.000011Z

PR 👍

viesti 2017-03-08T20:02:42.000012Z

was wondering if rebase with upstream is needed

cgore 2017-03-08T20:05:04.000013Z

I’m not sure how we’d go about adding tests for this, standing up a spark instance in the CI stuff somehow. That would be nice.

viesti 2017-03-08T20:06:11.000014Z

docker comes to mind

cgore 2017-03-08T20:06:55.000015Z

I’ve used Travis on some of the other stuff on github, it’s running in some sort of containers.

cgore 2017-03-08T20:07:14.000016Z

I’m just not sure how much you can make the container do.

viesti 2017-03-08T20:07:20.000017Z

this seems to use spark 2.1.0: https://github.com/gettyimages/docker-spark

viesti 2017-03-08T20:07:50.000019Z

I’ve just recently run Docker in CircleCI and plenty in inhouse Jenkins

viesti 2017-03-08T20:08:10.000020Z

consuming ready made good containers is neat, haven’t build one myself yet

viesti 2017-03-08T20:09:25.000021Z

I'm not too intimate with Spark master-slave networking, just remembering that when we had a stand-alone EC2 cluster, needed to open quite many ports, but thinking that the networking side is somewhat doable

viesti 2017-03-08T20:10:30.000022Z

now that I remember, I’ve written some unit tests in scala that just do

val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf()

viesti 2017-03-08T20:10:46.000023Z

around try (do the test) catch (sc.stop())

viesti 2017-03-08T20:11:38.000024Z

so using local mode for running

viesti 2017-03-08T20:13:49.000025Z

hmm so maybe just (deftest keg-works (try (keg/connect! “local[2]”) (is (= (keg…) expected)) (finally (keg/disconnect!)))

viesti 2017-03-08T20:13:56.000026Z

waving hands here 🙂

cgore 2017-03-08T20:15:01.000027Z

Yeah, not sure. I’d definitely like some real tests other than “it worked on my box”.

viesti 2017-03-08T20:15:11.000028Z

off topic (maybe) but haven’t looked into Onyx for real, but how do they update the apps running in different machines? Maybe ouroboros could be of use there too?

viesti 2017-03-08T20:15:30.000029Z

safety net at least 🙂

viesti 2017-03-08T20:16:17.000030Z

so maybe tests after this PR? 🙂

cgore 2017-03-08T20:16:50.000031Z

Sounds good to me.

viesti 2017-03-08T20:17:24.000032Z

but have to go get some sleep, small kids and late night hacking make for amplified sleep deprivation 🙂

cgore 2017-03-08T20:17:58.000033Z

Yeah, good night, you’re a few hours forward of me.

cgore 2017-03-08T20:18:12.000034Z

2:18pm here.

viesti 2017-03-08T20:18:32.000035Z

22:18 here

viesti 2017-03-08T20:19:11.000036Z

world wide around the clock duty 🙂