
viesti 2017-03-13T08:26:36.087953Z

@mkainula might become able to test Spark 2 when we get 0.5.0 to clojars :)

cgrand 2017-03-13T08:28:42.103617Z

Morning! I was just reading your weekend commits

cgrand 2017-03-13T08:33:10.137686Z

What about

(defmacro with-resources
  "Setup resources and tear them down after running body.
  Takes a function, which when called, will setup necessary resources,
  and returns a function, which when called, will tear the resources down"
  [setups & body]
  (if-some [[setup & setups] (seq setups)]
    `(let [teardown# (~setup)]
         (with-resources [~@setups] ~@body)
         (finally (teardown#))))
    `(do ~@body)))

cgrand 2017-03-13T08:34:51.150633Z


cgrand 2017-03-13T08:35:57.159120Z

Otherwise, Iโ€™m ok to merge your changes. What should I do on the Github/Circle CI integration front?

cgrand 2017-03-13T08:41:56.205912Z

Ok I believe Iโ€™ve done the integration part (basically nothing to do apart from authorizing Circle CI and selecting the right project).

viesti 2017-03-13T08:43:56.222069Z

thinking that powderkeg.repl might be simplifield if one important thing ia to have DynamicClassloader in place in the thread that runs in the driver

viesti 2017-03-13T08:50:28.276127Z

circleci branch does not pass currently, need to figure out more docker

cgrand 2017-03-13T08:51:26.284244Z

Ok so not blocking on you for 0.5

viesti 2017-03-13T08:51:31.284835Z

with-resource was for having separate fixture per test ( spark 1.5 and 2)

cgrand 2017-03-13T08:51:45.286800Z

yeah I understood

viesti 2017-03-13T08:52:02.289161Z

yep, 0.5.0 can go without circle

cgrand 2017-03-13T08:52:09.290144Z

on simplifyng repl.clj: what do you want to simplify away?

viesti 2017-03-13T08:52:51.296173Z

may not need clojure.main

viesti 2017-03-13T08:53:16.299765Z

but not necessary to change right now

viesti 2017-03-13T08:59:09.351030Z

now refactoring kitchen since eating with my youngest one :)

cgrand 2017-03-13T11:00:42.515659Z

Forgot to mention it but 0.5.0 is on Clojars, @mkainula enjoy ๐Ÿ˜‰

viesti 2017-03-13T19:53:07.365994Z

@cgrand so now had time to read with-resources with a thought, your version looks neat ๐Ÿ™‚

viesti 2017-03-13T19:53:57.379057Z

so this would allow to do (with-resource [setup-1 setup-2 setup-3] (stuff that matters for testing here))

viesti 2017-03-13T19:56:03.411086Z

got the idea for with-resource after reading this: https://stuartsierra.com/2016/05/19/fixtures-as-caches

viesti 2017-03-13T20:33:19.972597Z

hum, cannot get spark 1.5 test to work, worker and master donโ€™t manage to talk to each other ๐Ÿ˜•

viesti 2017-03-13T20:49:07.204993Z

ok, seems that master and worker talk to each other but connection to master fails, need to figure out what happens in the containers

cgrand 2017-03-13T20:49:34.211533Z

Do you know if it may be an interference with spark2 tests having been run right before?

viesti 2017-03-13T20:50:53.230798Z

that actually shows in circle as reusing name given to container, since it doesnโ€™t remove old containers (or remember reading something like that)

viesti 2017-03-13T20:51:15.235985Z

but connection problem persists when running single test locally

viesti 2017-03-13T20:51:53.245472Z

well, have to go to sleep now, might look into this another day

viesti 2017-03-13T20:52:36.256030Z

anyways, I guess the core development would be better headed to DataFrames/DataSets, this testing thing is a neat sidetrack ๐Ÿ™‚

cgore 2017-03-13T22:01:42.143885Z
