Hello everyone, I am starting to feel better after a couple of weeks illness, so will be running a broadcast on Saturday morning. Broadcast - Saturday 09:00 UTC+1 (United Kingdom time) https://youtu.be/fOv_z6E30l0 Continuing the introduction to clojure.spec, this time we define a number of specifications to support and validate a simple banking application. This will build on the previous video where we looked at the basics of clojure.spec https://youtu.be/rj7Wsw4VFI0 The code for the previous broadcast is available at https://github.com/practicalli/leveraging-spec I will push the code for the next broadcast to the same repository this evening, if I have finished it by then :)
I'll cover some simple validation with clojure.spec.alph on the Saturday broadcast, including the use of function definition :pre and :post conditionals, using spec/valid? and assert with those and then moving to spec/fdef and instrumenting functions. The code for now is at https://github.com/practicalli/leveraging-spec/blob/master/src/practicalli/spec_for_validation.clj - which is more of a design journal than a finished app 🙂