hey @jr0cket I just started taking my son through your intro material - so good... using Klipse too was a huge win for helping engagement
Thanks Ray. There is still lots and lots of content and projects to add so any feedback is most welcome.
I am currently working on an example banking application that will use Clojure spec, H2 and Postgresql databases and next.jdbc. Continuous integration with Circle CI and deploying to Heroku with a test and production build pipeline.
wow it's amazing how ambitious Clojure makes you
I did nodejs and CLJ on Heroku back in the day and it got fairly complex, esp to run microservices
one small feedback is that the 'Strongly typed under the covers' didn't seem necessary. I know it's generally interesting but gave me something extra to explain that didn't seem particularly relevant at the outset.
there is a small bug too:
(def public-health-data
({:date "2020-01-01" :confirmed-cases 23814 :recovery-percent 15}
{:date "2020-01-02" :confirmed-cases 24329 :recovery-percent 14}
{:date "2020-01-03" :confirmed-cases 25057 :recovery-percent 12}))
{:date "2020-01-03", :confirmed-cases 25057, :recovery-percent 12}
the list should be a vector
(def public-health-data
[{:date "2020-01-01" :confirmed-cases 23814 :recovery-percent 15}
{:date "2020-01-02" :confirmed-cases 24329 :recovery-percent 14}
{:date "2020-01-03" :confirmed-cases 25057 :recovery-percent 12}])
then you get all the data back ... which I assume is the intention
Thanks for finding that bug, I didnt notice it even though I updated that code last week :face_palm: I have dropped the part about types as I didnt use it later on in that page. I believe I was going to say something about the Persistent types then probably realised it was too much at that stage.
The Heroku stuff is pretty easy, I did work for them a while ago, writing the app is the time consuming part (and avoiding getting sucked into the time sink that is creating a great looking UI). I am using Heroku before diving into the AWS universe of chaos, which I expect to be extremely complex. I may try out Google kubernetes before experiencing AWS.