practicalli (youtube)
Kai 2020-10-16T04:53:55.068300Z

Thanks for posting the video. It’s useful to see as someone new to Clojure and its workflow. I’m just wondering if there is any reason why`(map #(clojure.string/lower-case %))` was used instead of (map clojure.string/lower-case) . Is it a common choice, or just personal preference?

practicalli-john 2020-10-16T11:57:01.076200Z

Live Broadcast - Saturday 09:00 UTC+1 (United Kingdom time) Designing a Clojure deps.edn configuration for all your projects and understanding some of the most common tools available A tour of the user level configuration and the many tools available on top of the Clojure CLI tools approach, providing ways to run repls, generate projects, updating dependencies, test runners, run and package applications, using data inspectors, etc. Along the way I'll discuss the design of the aliases and the recent changes to using aliases with the -M flag and -X flags, which is an important change to the way we use Clojure CLI tools