Hi, when installing spacemacs, i got this error: error: ‘c:/Users/cjpangilinan/.emacs.d/server’ is not a safe directory because it is not owned by you (owner = nil (544)). Did I miss something?
no, it doesn't. it says in the bottom that Spacemacs is ready. I tried again. This time, I didn't clone the .spacemacs.d/. it created a .spacemacs file and .spacemacs.env file. I am still exploring how to use this editor. Do you know of any issues in Emacs on Windows 7 that I could encounter? I'll message again if i found one. Thank you so much.
I use Spacemacs on Windows for work back on 2018 (it was a bank, I had no choice). The challenge I had was find the external binaries for Windows https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/before-you-start/recommended-command-line-tools.html If you are behind a corporate Windows firewall, then Emacs might not be able to download packages or otherwise connect to the internet. Other than that, I don't recall any issues. I did get an upgrade to Windows 10, so used the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). That makes it easier to use Clojure CLI tools and Emacs, as you can install a Linux image. I use Lenovo Laptops and if they come with windows I just delete that and install Ubuntu Linux instead.
I assume by the path you are using Windows. I believe the error is from the persistent server, so if that is enabled in the .spacemacs file, then try setting that variable to nil
Does the error stop Emacs from running?