I've updated my suggestions for a minimal LSP setup for Spacemacs, most of which is relevant to any other Emacs setup. The configuration avoids conflicting with CIDER and removes all the cljfmt rules which LSP puts in by default. I also tweaked the doom-gruvbox-light theme to make the symbol highlighting clash less, removing the background color and just using a bold font https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/install-spacemacs/clojure-lsp/configure-lsp-and-cider.html
Hi - latest version of Practicalli’s Clojure Deps.edn is giving me ‘Could not find artifact com.github.seancorfield:next.jdbc:jar:2.0.193 in central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/)’ on running clojure -X:project/jar - anyone else seen this? (Cloned the CLojure Deps.edn repo last night)
2.0.193 is for depstar
So a typo
(cross posting myself from #clojure)
Latest next.jdbc is 1.1.646
I tried updating to that earlier and got a different error ‘Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at clojure.run.exec/requiring-resolve’ (exec.clj:31). Could not locate hf/depstar__init.class, hf/depstar.clj or hf/depstar.cljc on classpath.' at which point I thought I would be lazy and see if anyone else has worked this through 😀
Thanks for following up!
How are you running depstar?
Local project deps.edn ‘…:jar {:replace-deps {com.github.seancorfield/depstar {:mvn/version “1.1.646”}} :exec-fn hf.depstar/jar :exec-args {:jar “libplayground.jar” :sync-pom true}}’
terminal command ‘clojure -X:project/jar’
I think you're getting confused
there is no depstar 1.1.646
hmmm - yes. -sorry cross pasting snippets
latest output is the second error message still ‘Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at clojure.run.exec/requiring-resolve’ (exec.clj:31). Could not locate hf/depstar__init.class, hf/depstar.clj or hf/depstar.cljc on classpath.'
having created a new lib project using ‘clojure -X:project/new…’
the project/jar alias in ~/.clojure/deps.edn is ‘:project/jar {:replace-deps {com.github.seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version “1.1.646”}} :exec-fn hf.depstar/jar :exec-args {:jar “project.jar” :aot true}}’
why next.jdbc for depstar?
your replace deps is completely wrong
Have a look here
ah - sorry - was looking in the wrong place - got you now
@rossajmcd sorry, it was the right version but the wrong library name. I copied next.jdbc library name into the :project/jar and :project/uberjar aliases instead of the new names for depstar. They both use the new form of fully qualified name (except for the last part).
I've pushed the fix to the project, sorry for the confusion.
Another quick update to practicalli/clojure-deps-edn • suppress SLF4J warning with :project/outdated alias • removed older version 1.x of depstar now 2.x is established • several library version updates