practicalli (youtube)
practicalli-john 2021-05-07T15:06:07.093Z

I am starting to recover from long covid symptoms steadily and should have some energy to put into Practicalli again soon. The live broadcasts do take some work to prepare. So I will be deciding what to cover over the next few weeks. If you have suggestions as to the topics, exercises, types of apps, libraries you would find valuable, please let me know and I will see if I can incorporate them. The biggest challenge I usually have is deciding what to do out of the hundreds of things I could to. Thank you.

iarenaza 2021-05-07T17:14:22.093700Z

So glad you are starting to recover!

lread 2021-05-07T18:49:22.094100Z

Woot! Happy to hear you are feeling better!