it seems like vim mode plus has a lot more stuff than vim-mode. We can always swap it out later again :simple_smile:
Very happy to see all these contributions to proton. So many new things!
Ready for a bunch more PRs to review?!
I’ve got 2-3 new layers and a number of other tweaks sitting locally right now
Just need to find time to polish them up
tell me more 😛
We need to somehow get the space key on non-editor windows working. I think that might be one of the most important parts
can we not just add it as a atom-workspace
that's what I'm trying right now
ok I have an idea
hm so when we bind body or atom-workspace, it would also catch keybindings in insert-mode, which we don't want
need to somehow exclude that
usually I see stuff like this:
so: 1. change logic to append proton-mode class to body / workspace instead 2. make sure the proton:chain triggers correctly 3. make sure it doesn't trigger in text fields and insert mode
that should work, we just need to figure out what css names vim-plus exports
yeah something like this
it's the same, just with vim-plus-mode instead of vim-mode
going to lunch really fast.
sounds good
I’ll probably be up for a while longer
So I really am not liking vim-mode-plus
It keeps looking like I’m in visual mode, but it doesn’t recognize it. So when I hit escape nothing happens. The only way I have been able to escape it is to reload the editor window
right I had the same problem
@sglyon: maybe we can give the option between vim mode and vmp?
What does vmp offer us?
it has a lot more features than vim mode. Stuff like
- block selection (ctrl+v)
- feedback on copy
- instant search results when hitting /
(vim mode wants you to hit enter first)
- incremental search
- smartcases
in general vmp seems to be far ahead and more compatible with normal vim
OK cool
Too bad it seems buggy
I’m excited about this, once it is ready:
that would be amazing
neovim all the way
can you reproduce that selection bug somehow?
Not really, it comes up about every 15 minutes though...
I haven’t been paying enough attention to what I’m doing to figure out what triggers it
I think it has something to do with scrolling
the engineer is super fast in responding
K, I’ll try to pay better attention so we can file a proper issue for him
maybe a optional setting to enable basic vim mode would be nice
like vim-mode-provider:
I’d like that for the time being. Would that make the other config vars you set harder to work with?
hmm not really. We can basically overwrite configs in the init-layer!
function by now :simple_smile:
luckily we got that working
I'll focus on the space everywhere stuff first though. At least when I have some more time :simple_smile:
Yeah sounds good. I didn’t get around to the other PRs tonight, but maybe tomorrow I can find a few minutes to clean them up
I’m going to add rust, go, some more toggles, julia-mode keymaps, etc...
cool! 👍