finally back in the office
time to get some stuff done :simple_smile:
Nice, looking forward to it
I still have a couple layers to push out of my .proton
go for it!
Thanks for the heads up
@dvcrn: how happy are you with how we implemented the linter system?
I think in general the 'optional package' system (layers enabling / disabling packages) is not good yet
I also noticed that proton installed javascript linters for me even though I don't use the js layer
Hmm that’s odd.
Actually now that I think of it I saw that too — I just assumed I had the javascript layer on
yeah it seems like there is no check if the actual layer is enabled. It just pulls in all dependencies
moving register-layer-depenencies
into init
should fix this. Let me try
So do you have all the julia packages too? (question only makes sense if you don’t have the layer enabled, obviously)
the bug is with the implementation of (register-layer-dependencies
(register-layer-dependencies :tools/linter [:linter-clojure])
there is no way the package manager can filter based on this information that :linter-clojure
should only get installed when the clojure layer is on
I thought it was kinda backwards there
I mean -
To me I would think that we’d have some method a layer can implement that specifies other layers as dependencies
when tools/linter is on, install linter-clojure but not: when tools/linter is on, AND clojure is on, install linter-clojure
So we kinda have a design question here
In the clojure layer we have a linter package
What you described above sounds to me like this package (clojure linting) will only work properly if BOTH tools/linter and lang/clojure are enabled
Is that the behavior you want?
well, the difference here is that register-layer-depenencies
modifies state the moment it gets called.
the other ones are multimethods that get called when core does it's thing.
Moving the register-layer-dependencies
call into init
fixes this because it will not modify the state if init
didn't get called which it only will when the layer is enabled.
Might be a bit hacky though
That’s probably right, but I don’t love the solution
What’s the issue with having register-layer-dependencies
be a multimethod just like the rest of the config methods?
you mean like register-layer-dependencies :lang/clojure :tools/linter [:linter-clojure]
could work
That is kinda how I imagined it
In general, I think we should think a bit more about code structure
(I'm guilty of that too)
The lang/clojure layer depends on the tools/linter layer for linting support — if the user wants both, then install the linter-clojure package
Otherwise don't
BTW, moving the register-layer-dependencies
call into init-layer
worked just how you thought
The javascript linters were only installed when both the lang/javascript and tools/linter layers were enabled
I think we need a batter framework for disabling / enabling stuff dynamically
Really really don't like it the way we are doing it right now
My disabled packages look like this:
disabledPackages: [
I thought that might have solved it but apparently didn't:
(if (or (is-activated? package-name) force)
(helpers/console! (str "disabling package " package-name))
(.disablePackage packages package-name)))))
I had to rm ~/.atom/config.cson
3 times today because things got wacky
So I agree, it would be great to come up with something better
most settings should be completely stateless because we kill them anyway on start
just this damn disabledPackages
So the reason we can’t just completely wipe config.cson when proton starts is we try to remember things like toggles (disabled tabs, status bar, etc)?
we do that, just not the packages
because we had the problem that things got jumpy
like it deactivates and activates in too close time and then calls get ignored
so even though atom thinks tab-bar
is disabled, it is not
Yeah… hmm. Is there anything we can hack on from the outside, or should we start looking at changes to core atom packages
we just need to make sure that disable-package can't multiple times disable something
so if linter-jshint is off, it will not get added to disabledPackages again
It probably isn’t as simple as reading in the config array, calling distinct
, and writing it out again is it?
that's what I thought I did 😐
(defn is-activated? [package-name]
(let [package-names (->> (.getActivePackages packages) js->clj (map #(.-name %)))
filtered-packages (filter #(= package-name %) package-names)]
(> (count filtered-packages) 0)))
ah wait, I misread