

dvcrn 2016-01-19T01:11:51.000935Z

oh hi

dvcrn 2016-01-19T01:12:31.000936Z

Mine looks like this But I'm trying to keep it as close as possible to stock to see how a new user is experiencing proton

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:25:52.000937Z

@geksilla: what do you think about using spc h/j/k/l for pane navigation?

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:26:09.000938Z

I think we had that before but removed it

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:30:36.000939Z

yeah, I’ve moved them to SPC w category

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:31:29.000940Z

can we move them back? I think 3 keystrokes is too much for just hopping to a other pane

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:31:54.000941Z

we could have them in both

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:32:21.000942Z


geksilla 2016-01-19T02:36:10.000943Z

I think that SPC w used for vim consistency, like Ctrl-w h/k/l/j.

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:36:45.000944Z

how about putting it into , leader?

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:37:00.000945Z

but that's usually for modes

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:37:01.000946Z


geksilla 2016-01-19T02:37:13.000947Z

leader key used only for modes

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:37:51.000948Z

or a "hold" leader. spc w -> ctrl-w. Meaning if you hold ctrl while pressing a key it directly skips the space key

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:38:23.000949Z

spc g -> ctrl-g

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:40:05.000950Z

I think you can just move them back to SPC h/k/l/j )

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:41:37.000951Z

anyway I’m using Ctrl-w )

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:41:59.000952Z

switched from Vim to Spacemacs

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:43:00.000953Z


dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:43:07.000954Z

Oh I didn't know ctrl-w h works out of the box with vim-mode

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:43:11.000955Z


geksilla 2016-01-19T02:43:30.000956Z

and splitting windows also works

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:43:45.000957Z

Ctrl-w v, Ctrl-w s

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:44:35.000958Z

but in general, what do you think about allowing a modifier key to skip the space key? Like holding control will launch a proton-chain and releasing it will abort the chain

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:45:30.000960Z


dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:45:59.000961Z

ctrl -> chain starts -> g s -> release -> git status executes

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:46:02.000962Z

just brainstorming

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:46:27.000963Z

i don’t know i think that just single keydown do it very well )

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:46:34.000964Z


geksilla 2016-01-19T02:47:04.000965Z

also there are few caveats with such keybindgins in atom

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:47:59.000966Z

there is a default timeout that allows you to pass some additional keystrokes before resolving current keystroke to atom command

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:48:12.000967Z

like if you hit Ctrl-w on Linux

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:48:31.000968Z

wait for 1-2 seconds your tab will be closed

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:49:18.000969Z

but if you execute Ctrl-w l this will be resolved to vim-mode-plus command

dvcrn 2016-01-19T02:49:44.000970Z

ah yeah I have that because I bound esc to f d

geksilla 2016-01-19T02:51:02.000971Z

I have to go. Need to sleep few hours )

dvcrn 2016-01-19T06:05:45.000972Z

@geksilla: you said you had something to extract documentation from a layer

geksilla 2016-01-19T10:07:55.000973Z

yes, helper function that generate markdown table for package configurations

dvcrn 2016-01-19T10:32:43.000977Z

too bad I have to leave now. Getting late here 😛

dvcrn 2016-01-19T10:32:49.000978Z

Please review my small PRs if you have time

geksilla 2016-01-19T10:32:56.000979Z

ok, sure

geksilla 2016-01-19T10:33:13.000980Z

I've posted a comment regarding git-plus issue with branch deleting

dvcrn 2016-01-19T10:35:58.000981Z

ah ok

dvcrn 2016-01-19T10:36:00.000982Z



Just to weigh in, I really like SPC h and SPC l for navigation.