


I had previously installed and then removed proton, then re-installed again. Not sure if that could be related. Other than that I can’t think of anything out of the ordinary I was trying.

dvcrn 2016-02-12T03:34:44.000663Z

any ruby people here? Would love some feedback on this



You doing linters in lang layers?

dvcrn 2016-02-12T05:43:59.000668Z

added rubocop, thanks!

dvcrn 2016-02-12T05:44:28.000669Z

@jessejanderson: no, lang layers hook into :tools/linter and specify packages to be installed when the linter layer is enabled

dvcrn 2016-02-12T05:44:40.000670Z

if you disable :tools/linter, it will wipe all linter packages in all langs


Ahh, sweet.

dvcrn 2016-02-12T05:46:51.000673Z

rubocop seems really good

dvcrn 2016-02-12T05:46:55.000674Z

great way to get started with ruby


Yah, it’s pretty solid.

dvcrn 2016-02-12T06:17:16.000677Z whoa. How come we don't have that in proton yet

👍 1
dvcrn 2016-02-12T06:17:20.000679Z

need to add that right away

geksilla 2016-02-12T09:10:15.000680Z

regarding ruby layer I was hoping on but looks like author doesn't support it any more(

geksilla 2016-02-12T09:10:33.000682Z

robe mode for emacs is awesome

geksilla 2016-02-12T09:13:05.000683Z

what about and bind to SPC m b i

geksilla 2016-02-12T09:15:50.000685Z

also and bind to SPC m L f mnemonic to Linter fix


@dvcrn: I have that installed, but I haven't really found a good use for it. Other than looking kinda cool, what do you see as the benefit of this package/


@dvcrn and @geksilla: I have some concerns about packages being added to the core layer. Each package adds load time to Atom (maybe small, but still there) and there have already been incidents of people wanting to disable packages. Do you think the goal of the core package should be to stay slim, at least until a way to disable packages is available? In the example of the highlight-selected plugin, I don't feel it really adds much to the development experience, and it'd be very easy to just add it to the additional plugins.

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:10:50.000691Z

Yeah load time may be an issue, but I remember one comment from issue related to some package "Do you often reload your editor?" :simple_smile:

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:11:35.000692Z

we can provide config option to disable any package, even from core layer

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:11:59.000693Z

actually proton itself take about 500ms to load first time

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:12:03.000694Z

keep in mind that it has to reopen every time you switch to a different project

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:12:42.000695Z

yeah (

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:15:36.000696Z

just wondering, can you post your atom's startup time? my total 17666ms

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:15:52.000697Z

Window load time17666ms Shell load time1548ms Workspace load time431ms Project load time234ms Window state load time32ms

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:16:24.000698Z

where can I find that info?

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:16:55.000699Z

from Command Palette type timecop

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:17:17.000700Z

Window load time18383ms Shell load time1373ms Workspace load time915ms Project load time997ms Window state load time74ms


Startup Time Window load time5729ms Shell load time814ms Workspace load time0ms Project load time0ms Window state load time1ms

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:19:20.000702Z

I think @austincrft on mac? :simple_smile:


Windows, actually!

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:19:29.000704Z


lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:19:39.000705Z

without the project (which is a pretty massive one) I get Window load time1918ms Workspace load time0ms Project load time0ms Window state load time0ms

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:19:54.000706Z



Yeah, that was me loading our webpages folder

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:20:50.000708Z

that project I've got like 7 buffers open, an expanded file tree, and probably several thousand lines of code to render between all those buffers

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:21:10.000709Z

so guess that makes sense lol


Yeah, that's quite a bit. What's weird to me is that I opened the base project directory (that contains folder I just opened for the timecop), and it took less time


Maybe they get cached or something?


I know that the filenames get indexed for the fuzzy-finder

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:23:01.000713Z

weird. my project buffer state seems to not be updating when I restart atom. keeps reverting to an earlier set


That seems strange


Do you guys know if there's a way to set project-specific settings?


Yeah, is that supported natively?

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:28:17.000718Z

that's just in project.cson


Oh, cool

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:28:37.000720Z

and yes it works. its actually in one of the examples

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:28:55.000721Z

or well


Well, I guess that would've been the intelligent place for me to look 😛

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:29:31.000723Z

wait not sure it actually works with proton - I have the editor default set to 4 also. lemme see

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:30:24.000724Z

ack nope. its overwritten by proton settings looks like

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:31:48.000725Z

yea overwritten

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:32:10.000726Z

probably workaround is to open project.cson and hit save


I was talking to someone on reddit about project support in Atom and they said this

It doesn't reset original settings when you swap project. So if you have custom settings per project (and I do), those "leak" to other projects when you swap. In addition, it opens a new window whenever you change project, which is really bad since i want to alt tab easily.
I don't use it enough to know how true this is.

geksilla 2016-02-12T15:32:55.000728Z

we need to handle this on proton side using project-manager provided service

lucien.knechtli 2016-02-12T15:33:12.000729Z

I concur with everything that person said