dvcrn 2016-03-25T00:27:26.000054Z

@thheller: it's the error that happens when another module is also using something with live reloading (anything else than build/release in our case)

dvcrn 2016-03-25T00:27:47.000055Z

I guess clojure.core is declared in a different plugin so it results in a little namespace conflict

dvcrn 2016-03-25T00:28:42.000056Z

@ericfode: we have multiple build options. If you run build/dev-repl, shadow-build will push your changes and proton will reload it directly on save. with build/dev, it will autocompile it on save but you have to manually reload atom

thheller 2016-03-25T09:20:29.000057Z

@dvcrn: I do not understand that description. Is there a way I can reproduce the problem?


@thheller: yes. Run lein run dev/repl apm install apm link and open atom