thheller 2016-03-26T11:00:58.000059Z

@ericfode: ah now I get it. There is another package using cljs which is in conflict with proton-mode itself

thheller 2016-03-26T11:09:29.000060Z

I have an idea for a solution ... but it is more of a workarround really

thheller 2016-03-26T11:09:48.000061Z

how do normal atom packages deal with libraries of the same or different version

thheller 2016-03-26T11:10:00.000062Z

say package A depends on lib L

thheller 2016-03-26T11:10:05.000063Z

as does package B

thheller 2016-03-26T11:10:15.000064Z

do they both load different L or the same?

thheller 2016-03-26T12:14:44.000065Z

@dvcrn @ericfode can someone tell me which packages that proton uses are cljs based?