Why is proton so slow to start?
it makes atom's startup slowwwwwwwwwwwwww
@robbyoconnor: it does?
just recently or always?
Has always been
I seem to only be comfortable in emacs
Hey @dvcrn, I’m running build/dev-repl
but keep getting Uncaught Error: Namespace "cljs.repl" already declared.
when an atom instance connects; is this something you’ve seen before?
Looks like it’s colliding with proto-repl?
yep correct it’s colliding
but proton should have been already updated
are you on latest master?
What do you mean by already updated?
for that problem. the repl for proton should run under a different namespace
let me check
almost definitely something I’m doing; just can’t puzzle out what it is!
this commit should have fixed it - https://github.com/dvcrn/proton/commit/31fd64025b554dbe04cc18af4e67bc586ef9d151
Interesting; thanks for the pointer @dvcrn will keep digging through
Guessing proto-repl isn’t doing this ☝️ 😐
hrrm I’m getting the same error. Something must have changed in the previous commits
so it’s not your fault 😛
gonna try rolling back proto-repl; just to isolate off their latest change
ping @thheller as well. Any idea how we can get rid of Uncaught Error: Namespace "cljs.repl" already declared.
once and for all?
@dvcrn am I right in thinking that error will prevent the freshly compiled js from being loaded?
since they will conflict with each other but not proton
@tgg which plugins do you have installed?
[36mCommunity Packages (52)[39m /Users/timgreene/.atom/packages
├── Parinfer@1.15.0
├── advanced-open-file@0.16.3
├── atom-alignment@0.12.1
├── atom-beautify@0.29.9
├── atom-dark-fusion-syntax@1.1.0
├── atom-material-syntax@0.4.6
├── atom-material-ui@1.2.13
├── atomatigit@1.5.5
├── autocomplete-paths@1.0.2
├── autoupdate-packages@1.3.1
├── battery-status@0.11.0
├── blame
├── busy@0.5.0
├── comment-commander@0.2.0
├── easy-motion-redux@1.1.1
├── environment@1.2.0
├── ex-mode@0.10.0
├── expand-region@0.2.4
├── file-icons@1.7.16
├── git-history
├── git-plus@5.16.2
├── golden-ratio@0.3.0
├── highlight-line@0.11.1
├── highlight-selected@0.11.2
├── ink@0.4.4
├── language-diff@0.4.0
├── language-pixie@0.22.0
├── language-racket@0.4.0
├── language-scheme@1.4.0
├── language-terraform@0.7.4
├── last-cursor-position@0.9.0
├── lines@0.13.1
├── linter@1.11.14
├── linter-clojure@1.1.2
├── maximize-panes@0.2.0
├── merge-conflicts@1.4.4
├── move-panes@0.2.0
├── nucleus-dark-ui@0.9.0
├── project-plus@0.9.0
├── proto-repl@1.2.0
├── proton-mode@0.11.0
├── recent-files-fuzzy-finder@0.2.4
├── relative-numbers@0.5.1
├── release-notes@0.53.0
├── tab-switcher@1.5.3
├── theme-switch@0.4.0
├── time-status@1.1.2
├── todo-show@1.6.0
├── tomorrow-night-eighties-syntax@0.13.0
├── vim-mode-plus@0.46.0
├── vim-mode-plus-ex-mode@0.4.0
└── zentabs@0.8.7
└── (empty)
do you by any chance know which are written in cljs? 😛
time for bisecting my plugins!
unless it's in the package.json...
I know that proto-repl uses some cljs, now just need to find the second one 😛
ag .cljs -l | grep -oP "^.*?/" | uniq
not conclusive but... hmm
if you disable all but one the error should disappeear
although none of these probably have a legitimate reason to ship with cljs.repl
except for proto-repl maybe 😉
so it comes down to the packaging of these plugins
Goes away with disabling proto-repl
this was the stack trace btw:
Error: Namespace "cljs.repl" already declared.
at Error (native)
at Object.goog.provide (/Users/timgreene/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/proto_repl/goog/base.js:273:13)
at file:///Users/timgreene/Dropbox/Workspaces/github.com/proton/plugin/lib/cljs-runtime/cljs/repl.js?r=0.4816631136265521:1:6
looks like it is a bad interaction between proto-repl + proton 😞
hmm none of the plugins you listed are written in cljs (except proto-repl)
hmm that should work then
can you gist that somewhere?
oh sure
hmm looks like it is supposed to
hmm let me fire up atom
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: NS:proton.core has duplicate require/use for clojure.string at line 1 proton/core.cljs
you don't get this error when launching dev-repl
hmm wtf
nevermind 😛
It's not a major deal to disable proto-repl to develop proton really
hmm I figured it out
totally my mistake 😛
what was it?
technically the repl is broken as well
is it the unnamespaced goog in repl.cljs?
and no 😛
the issue is that the main plugin.js file sets up global.PROTON
to use are the environment
but the repl itself just uses global
yeaah makes sense
that is why the Uncaught ReferenceError: goog is not defined
when loading the cljs/repl.js
how to work around it? do we need to modify the cljs.core assets?
it works in the proton.js
since all files are in there and no extra files are loaded
probably need to do the same trick proton.js
prepend each file with
var goog = global.PROTON.goog;
and then pull in names from global to local
as proton.js
var cljs = goog.getObjectByName('cljs');
cljs.core = goog.getObjectByName('cljs.core');
cljs.core.async = goog.getObjectByName('cljs.core.async');
oh nice, you're the author of shadow-build?
yeah that fixes things
just need to figure out how to make the REPL load process aware of it 😛
ok should be simple. will fix later, gotta go now.
sure thing! thanks for your help!
Just for posterity I added:
var goog = global.PROTON.goog;
var cljs = goog.getObjectByName('cljs');
var proton = goog.getObjectByName('proton');
to the top of proton/plugin/lib/cljs-runtime/cljs/core/repl.js
as a workaroundin case that helps anyone else
but I get no conflicts with proto-repl, see if it works for you
nice; lgtm!