i’m excited to try this out
i dev js + cljs, been using spacemacs
@nikki cool! curious to hear what you think
it seems to have a bunch of stuff ready which is nice
one question: spc w v splits window vertical
in emacs i’m used to getting same buffers on both sides
over here there is an empty window? does atom have an empty window model
right is new window
(in emacs it’s called window, is that the right terminology in atom?)
and @dvcrn it seems you are using both spacemacs and proton now? (your dotfiles have recent commits on both)
what would you recommend for the following setups: 1. c / c++ coding for ios (currently using Xcode + Xvim) 2. java for android (currently using android studio + intellij vim plugin) 3. javascript or anything else (spacemacs == react mode, cider for clj(s) and so on)