beetlefeet 2016-11-15T01:18:06.000238Z

@jpinnix I had to disable package :autocomplete-ruby . I still get ‘regular’ autocomplete but no project wide static analysis autocomplete (which I assume rsense is to provide which I’m not used to having anyway). I did get rsense working abut it was too slow and I was annoyed by it.

👍 1
beetlefeet 2016-11-15T02:27:16.000239Z

@dvcrn FYI from yesterday:

dvcrn 2016-11-15T02:28:21.000241Z


dvcrn 2016-11-15T02:29:08.000242Z

@beetlefeet: Can you change the message to docs(MANUAL)? Then I'll merge it right away

beetlefeet 2016-11-15T02:31:57.000243Z

@dvcrn Updated:

dvcrn 2016-11-15T02:42:16.000244Z

merged! thanks a lot

beetlefeet 2016-11-15T03:14:26.000245Z


beetlefeet 2016-11-15T03:14:40.000246Z

thanks for proton!

geksilla 2016-11-15T08:49:28.000247Z

@jpinnix ruby layer issue caused by autocomplete-ruby plugin. Try to update autocomplete-ruby to 0.2.2 version there is a fix regarding hardcoded path to rsence binary. If this won't work for you please check if rsence available on path $GEM_HOME/bin/rsence

👍 1
geksilla 2016-11-15T08:51:43.000249Z

if rsence available from $PATH set configuration autocomplete-ruby.rsenscePath to "rsence"