beetlefeet 2017-01-24T01:40:34.000080Z

If you like evil mode & spacemacs; vim-mode-plus & proton is 👌 (t9md and dvcrn doing great work ❤️)

dvcrn 2017-01-24T01:41:36.000081Z

don't forget @geksilla! He did a ton of work on proton. Lately a lot more than me 🙂

dvcrn 2017-01-24T01:41:45.000082Z

also damn, the history is gone again

dvcrn 2017-01-24T01:41:53.000083Z

it disappears faster and faster

beetlefeet 2017-01-24T01:44:32.000084Z

gekskilla too!

beetlefeet 2017-01-24T01:46:30.000085Z

Shame there doesn’t seem to be an unlimited user slack plan, it’s either free or per user pricing. Not good for these sorts of communities...

beetlefeet 2017-01-24T01:46:47.000086Z

BTW I did the thing to hide the splash if there is nothing interesting and it seems ok, been running with it for a while. Will put in a PR today if I get time.

zcassini 2017-01-24T01:54:57.000087Z

gitter would be a good altenative

zcassini 2017-01-24T01:55:18.000088Z

google can index the history of gitter which is nice

zcassini 2017-01-24T01:55:37.000089Z

the react community moved to discord

beetlefeet 2017-01-24T01:57:53.000090Z

Just looked at some slack pricing etc, they really don’t have any options for open source type communities, pricing is per user or nothing, so yeah. Bit of a dead end to carry on here unless they come up with some sort of ‘community plan’ or something.

drazy 2017-01-24T02:01:11.000092Z

i made the fatal mistake

drazy 2017-01-24T02:01:15.000093Z

of not backing up Atom

dvcrn 2017-01-24T02:30:59.000094Z

I think we should definitely consider gitter. Though we'd loose the nice clojure community here

dvcrn 2017-01-24T02:31:05.000095Z

@beetlefeet great news 🙂

dvcrn 2017-01-24T02:34:53.000096Z

@drazy oh no! sorry to hear that 😞

dvcrn 2017-01-24T02:35:24.000097Z

speaking of which, we should probably add a killswitch that the user has to manually enable before allowing proton to do anything..

beetlefeet 2017-01-24T02:43:18.000098Z

Maybe it could copy atom config to .atom/config.cson.bak if that file doesn’t already exist (IE the first time you run proton).

beetlefeet 2017-01-24T02:44:08.000099Z

@dvcrn - as mentioned in the comments the default might be better the other way around.

dvcrn 2017-01-24T02:59:08.000101Z

@beetlefeet cool thanks! I'll try to review it later