Huh that doesn’t sound right
@kidpollo what exactly is borked?
this is the issue I created
this is the main error
but there are a host of other things that just dont work as expected from a fresh install
@kidpollo that screenshot looks like you’re missing basic unix bins
what OS are you on
if you do basename
or dirname
in the shell, is it able to find it?
I am on OSxSierra
apm works when called from terminal
its borked on atom only
if I fresh install atom all the package stuff works just fine
even if I dont use my custom .proton file things are broken on a fresh instal of atom and proton
some package installed by proton breaks stuff
and I checked there are not Seti-UI packages to remove
as suggested in
if you start atom from the shell, do you have the same issues? @kidpollo
@geksilla is the status screen also cut off for you?
ah looks like the theme did something to it
yes, I see the same on current UI Theme
@geksilla release 0.15
if you have time, can you check if it works for you?
do you know what’s adding the visual fade effects when selecting things?
it’s cool but seems laggy
do you mean fade on which-key panel?
no, just when selecting normal things in the ditor
with visual select in vim for example
also do you have this number?
no, I don't use relative numbers plugin
I mean the “3”
I don’t know where it comes from lol
yes, I got it
if you turn off relative numbers does this number still visible?
yeah it’s relative numbers
I’m wondering what we can do to make atom faster
maybe lazy load packages?
would be interesting to see if we can disable all packages and only enable it when it is needed
just disable, not remove
I usually only start it from the console