In my protorepl (/ 44 14) rpgedn.core=> 3.142857142857143 In lein rpgedn.core=> (/ 44 14) 22/7
I believe 22/7 is the expected behavior.. Went to demonstrate the clojure ratio feature to a co-worker and it didn’t work..
@fingertoe: is this only in inline display or is it in the REPL?
In the Cloure Repl tab.
Seems to do it on a clean project too..
It does look to do it in both the REPL and the inline result now that I check..
Seems to decimalize it if I connect via remote nrepl as well..
In REPL rpgedn.core=> (def piishness (/ 22 7)) #'rpgedn.core/piishness rpgedn.core=> piishness 22/7 In protorepl hooked to nrepl port of REPL piishness rpgedn.core=> 3.142857142857143