
jasongilman 2016-07-27T01:05:29.000051Z

@fingertoe: I'm having trouble reproducing the what you're seeing.

jasongilman 2016-07-27T01:05:32.000052Z

(/ 44 14) user=> 22/7

jasongilman 2016-07-27T01:06:54.000053Z

That's in a Proto REPL default leiningen project. Are you using a Clojure project or ClojureScript?

jasongilman 2016-07-27T01:26:08.000054Z

I just pushed a new version of proto-repl-lib that fixes an issue with saving and displaying saved values.

fingertoe 2016-07-27T04:57:25.000056Z

It’s a clojure project… No clojurescript.

fingertoe 2016-07-27T05:19:55.000057Z

That does seem like clojurescript like behavior though..

jasongilman 2016-07-27T10:05:29.000058Z

Are you always connecting to a remote REPL?


hey @jasongilman have you seen this: ? I think there are some pretty nice ideas there that proto-repl could leverage from. It is based on the Jupyter project which has already a strong support. Just for the record 😉

jasongilman 2016-07-27T14:59:56.000061Z

I looked at that a long time ago but I forgot about it. I like the inline display of charts. I was trying to work through how to do a similar thing with Proto REPL but I couldn't figure out how to connect the particular line number with code and where to put the visualization. It looks like they figured that out.

fingertoe 2016-07-27T15:19:03.000062Z

No — I just connected to the nrepl as an troubleshooting experiment…

jasongilman 2016-07-27T18:35:23.000063Z

@fingertoe: if you could file an issue for this with all the details it would help me debug it. I appreciate all the details you've given me so far.


@jasongilman: I thought that the charts that you are displaying were using ink. Is that not correct? I'm just guessing but wouldn't that just be an inline result with a <img> thing inside? On a side note: I saw that they displayed some tables as inline results there and I thought that maybe it could be done with proto-repl results as well. That lead me to thinking of actually modifying how proto-repl displays results. I think that there are some very specific cases where things could be displayed in a better way.


So for example, if you get a hash-map with constants literals inside then display as a <ul>. If you get a hash-map of hash-maps of literals then display it as a table.... and so on. There are probably more quite specific cases where I think that the way that you see the result can help a lot in understanding it. Just some thoughts though 😉

jasongilman 2016-07-27T19:42:41.000066Z

@carocad: ink is only providing a tiny bit of the functionality in Proto REPL right now. The charts stuff is all from Proto REPL charts which uses some JavaScript libraries.

jasongilman 2016-07-27T19:44:16.000067Z

The saved values display could be improved. I was thinking more along the lines of syntax highlighting.

nando 2016-07-27T19:51:13.000069Z

I’m relatively new to Clojure, and using protorepl because I use Atom for other dev work.

nando 2016-07-27T19:52:08.000070Z

The project I’ve started with uses boot. I seem to be having issues getting dependencies to work within the repl.

nando 2016-07-27T19:52:37.000071Z


nando 2016-07-27T19:53:40.000072Z

Here’s my boot env config:

(set-env! :resource-paths #{"src"}
                :dependencies   '[[org.clojure/clojure "RELEASE"]
                            [framework-one       "RELEASE"]
                            [com.datomic/datomic-pro "0.9.5385"]]
                :repositories #(conj %
                      ["my-datomic" {:url "<>"
                                     :username "my-datomic-user"
                                     :password "my-datomic-pass"}]))

nando 2016-07-27T19:54:50.000073Z

I also have a dev deftask defined: (deftask dev [] (repl))

nando 2016-07-27T19:57:45.000074Z

I managed to solve the issue … in the end nothing to do with protorepl …


@jasongilman: Oh I see. I thought that you were using it quite extensively since there seems to be quite a lot of overlap between the functionality that proto-repl provides and the one that ink does. Things like ploting-panes, loading widgets, go-to-definition, inline-docs are already implemented in atom-ink so I though that Proto-repl could leverage those quite extensively. Some of them though, don't have good documentation so it is a bit curversome to get them working but they are quite helpful on their gitter channel. Regarding the display-values, are you open to suggestions on that side or is it something that you would like to change independently? I would give it a try if it fits the agenda 😄

mikebelanger 2016-07-27T21:43:59.000081Z

Hi guys, I’m just trying out a project using the monet library, and for some reason, I’m not getting any autocomplete. I’ve included the proto-repl dep in my project too, I’m not sure what’s going on.

mikebelanger 2016-07-27T21:44:23.000082Z

Autocomplete is working in smaller projects, so I’m sure it’s something to do with my project settings.


@mikebelanger: This is just a guest, but I think the problem is that Proto-Repl is (currently) mainly for Clojure. Clojurescript is only supported partially, see here: The Clojurescript part is quite limited so I would try it out in a Clojure (only) project.

mikebelanger 2016-07-27T22:30:54.000086Z

oh — I missed that detail 😛 Ok thanks!

jasongilman 2016-07-27T23:47:03.000087Z

Yeah ClojureScript completion doesn't work. I believe Cider has the same limitation.

jasongilman 2016-07-27T23:47:49.000088Z

@nando: So everything is working ok with Proto REPL in the end? Are you having any issues?

jasongilman 2016-07-27T23:51:26.000089Z

@nando: You should also take a look at the sample boot file in the proto-repl-demo project