
bcbradley 2016-12-02T00:45:14.000096Z

hey i'm having trouble getting this working on windows

bcbradley 2016-12-02T00:45:51.000097Z

I'm following

bcbradley 2016-12-02T00:47:33.000098Z

when I try to make a proto-repl it says

Starting REPL with lein in C:\Users\brian\.atom\packages/proto-repl/proto-no-proj
The system cannot find the path specified.
REPL Closed

bcbradley 2016-12-02T00:55:48.000099Z

If it helps to be specific, I have lein and boot both bound to "lein" and "boot" on the command line, and I left the defaults in the proto-repl settings unaltered

jasongilman 2016-12-02T02:46:20.000100Z

@bcbradley: try specifying the exact path the Lein and boot in the settings

bcbradley 2016-12-02T02:58:19.000101Z

i'll try that and report back

bcbradley 2016-12-02T03:00:49.000102Z

@jasongilman that worked thankyou!

seancorfield 2016-12-02T20:12:54.000105Z

There you go @jasongilman -- #proto-repl is no more 🙂

keatondunsford 2016-12-02T21:09:04.000109Z

Hey, for anyone doing cljs mobile dev, what’s the easiest way to set up a proto-repl session to connect to your Re-Natal app running via lein figwheel ios? I know doing that command sets up a repl in the terminal, but it would be cool to be able to send code in directly via the server Figwheel is running on.

jasongilman 2016-12-02T21:32:33.000110Z

Thanks @seancorfield

jasongilman 2016-12-02T21:33:08.000111Z

@keatondunsford: does it start an nREPL server?