@jasongilman how can I use proto-repl-charts to get a 2d scatter chart? in the example that you provide on the README, both sequences are numeric but what if I want to pass something like ([x y] [x1 y1] [x2 y2] ....)
@carocad: do you literally mean "x" or are those stand ins for numbers?
I mean number x, number y ... although a way to pass keywords to use to extract the values would be better 😄
I think I see what you're getting at
I sort of found a way doing custom chart but I am not sure if it is the best (only) way
I'm not super happy with the scatter charts now. You have to pass in the X values in order and then set the labels to the Y values but that will still not get exactly what you want.
If custom charts work I would go with that.
ok will do
by the way, is it actually not possible to use records to display as tables in proto-repl-charts? I get an error when passing a sequence of records as rows 😞
@carocad: I haven't tested records but they should work fine since they're essentially maps. As long as the data is in the right format.