
jasongilman 2017-02-09T01:31:56.000638Z

Proto REPL now handles namespaces with metadata for many of its actions. Thanks to @mauricio.szabo


Thank you for the setup instructions!


sadly, i can't get proto-repl-charts to toggle (show). I've added it to my project.clj :dependencies and did a lein deps. Any ideas what I've missed. update - my proto-repl isn't loading the proto-repl-charts dependency. I added (ns test.core (require proto-repl-charts.charts)) to my clj file and then it works fine. 😀


only other question, when I execute a block of code with ctrl+, b it displays the chart twice (opens 2 new tabs next to the proto-repl tab)

jasongilman 2017-02-09T16:29:47.000646Z

@genec: I haven't seen that before. You might want to restart Atom. It sounds like there's possibly two handlers registered from Proto REPL charts which would be weird.

jasongilman 2017-02-09T16:30:03.000647Z

Do both tabs have the same title?


@jasongilman yes, they both have the same title. I'll try a restart.


@jasongilman when I start the proto-repl (ctrl , L) it starts 2 java.exe processes (running win 7) and then when i execute a block of code for a chart I get 2 tabs.


@jasongilman so a little more info, when I start a repl with (ctrl , l) the msg startign REPL with lein in C:\... is displayed and a java.exe process is started and then a few seconds later a second message "nREPL server started on port xxxx on host - nrepl: xxx" is displayed and a second java.exe process is started. Then executing a chart block of code displays 2 identical chart tabs.

jasongilman 2017-02-09T18:03:44.000652Z

I think the two process thing is a red herring. I think Lein REPL will always do that.


@jasongilman interesting, thanks. I followed your install instructions to the letter. I'll try setting it up from scratch on another machine and see if I can reproduce this. I did install proto-repl-sayid and then disabled it. But I still get 2 tabs opening when displaying a proto-repl-chart. I'll try again on a Windows 10 laptop, but it seems this is not usable on Windows 8 right now. Is anyone able to use proto-repl / charts on Windows 8? Thanks.