
seancorfield 2017-03-07T00:50:05.000764Z

@pishty That error indicates you’re using a ClojureScript REPL (cljs.user) and I suspect in-ns is not supported in ClojureScript.

seancorfield 2017-03-07T00:50:25.000765Z

How did you start your REPL?

pishty 2017-03-07T01:31:54.000766Z

@seancorfield packages -> proto-repl -> start repl

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:32:56.000767Z

Ah, that starts a REPL inside ProtoREPL itself, not associated with the code you’re editing or any particular Clojure project. I suspect that’s not what you want?

pishty 2017-03-07T01:33:24.000768Z

oh i see

pishty 2017-03-07T01:33:28.000769Z

not its not

pishty 2017-03-07T01:33:47.000770Z

i thought it would be associated with my code

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:35:14.000771Z

I remember running into this when I first started using ProtoREPL and finding the behavior surprising… I tend to have a REPL already running and connect to that instead. Just a sec. I’ll stop that REPL and try that menu command (I never use the menus normally).

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:35:41.000772Z

OK, so I was wrong...

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:36:25.000773Z

I opened a file in my project, and did that menu command and a new REPL tab opened and it said Starting REPL with boot in /path/to/my/project

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:36:49.000774Z

Did you have a Clojure file open inside a project when you did that?

pishty 2017-03-07T01:37:36.000775Z

i had a clojurescript file open

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:37:55.000776Z

Ah, OK. So it started a cljs REPL then.

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:38:18.000777Z

Then I can’t help you much, I’m afraid. I don’t work with ClojureScript.

pishty 2017-03-07T01:38:41.000778Z

ah ok man no probs, thank u for trying anyway

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:39:03.000779Z

My instinct is that in-ns is not allowed in ClojureScript but I’m not sure.

pishty 2017-03-07T01:39:24.000780Z

but i could use it in cider

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:39:47.000781Z

Are you sure you were in a ClojureScript REPL with CIDER?

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:39:55.000782Z

(as opposed to a Clojure REPL)

pishty 2017-03-07T01:40:34.000783Z

yes, because i use a chesnut template so i do (browser-repl) command from clojure to put me into clojurescript repl

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:42:11.000784Z

‘k … and it happens that I have a project that has a script to start a cljs REPL so I just tried in-ns there and it worked … so now I really am at a loss 🙂

pishty 2017-03-07T01:43:50.000785Z

something on my end am sure 🙂 still getting around proto-repl, are there any useful sites i can learn some proto tricks ?

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:43:53.000786Z

Hmm, just a thought: how many project folders do you have in your tree view for ProtoREPL/Atom?

pishty 2017-03-07T01:44:17.000787Z

just one project folder

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:46:23.000788Z

OK. I’ve noticed that if you have an arbitrary file open and multiple project folders in the tree view, it seems to want to start a REPL in the first project folder always, regardless… Not sure whether that’s just my setup or a general bug in ProtoREPL.

pishty 2017-03-07T01:49:00.000789Z

in-ns works when i am in clojure-repl but not when i start figwheel and jump into clojurescript

pishty 2017-03-07T01:49:12.000790Z

i think its my set up somehow

seancorfield 2017-03-07T01:50:33.000791Z

Sorry I can’t help (and sorry for the misleading advice — I guess I’ve learned something about cljs and about ProtoREPL from this!).

pishty 2017-03-07T01:51:57.000792Z

🙂 thats cool man will try again tomorrow