
jasongilman 2017-03-10T00:53:45.187682Z

That's odd. There must be a bug when opening that var. Can you try opening a var from another library or even Clojure itself?

torbjornvatn 2017-03-10T09:46:34.160954Z

Seems like only Clojure core has been downloaded

├── environ
│   └── environ
│       └── 1.1.0
│           └── environ-1.1.0.jar
└── org
    ├── clojars
    │   └── unacast
    │       └── datasplash
    │           └── 0.4.3
    │               └── datasplash-0.4.3.jar
    └── clojure
        ├── clojure
        │   └── 1.8.0
        │       └── clojure-1.8.0.jar
        │           ├── META-INF
        │           │   ├── MANIFEST.MF
        │           │   └── maven
        │           │       └── org.clojure
        │           │           └── clojure
        │           │               ├──
        │           │               └── pom.xml
        │           └── clojure
        │               ├── asm
        │               │   ├── AnnotationVisitor.class
        │               │   ├── AnnotationWriter.class
        │               │   ├── Attribute.class
        │               │   ├── ByteVector.class
        │               │   ├── ClassReader.class
        │               │   ├── ClassVisitor.class

torbjornvatn 2017-03-10T09:47:10.166800Z

does leiningen always download sources to .m2 ?

torbjornvatn 2017-03-10T09:57:56.278435Z

And I get this when trying it on environ

decompressing /Users/torbjorn/.m2/repository/environ/environ/1.1.0/environ-1.1.0.jar to /Users/torbjorn/.lein/tmp-atom-jars/environ/environ/1.1.0/environ-1.1.0.jar /Users/torbjorn/.lein/tmp-atom-jars/environ/environ/1.1.0/environ-1.1.0.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (No such file or directory)

jasongilman 2017-03-10T13:07:42.956570Z

I thought that it always went to that directory. It looks like there might be something odd about the environ jar. This could also be (probably) a Proto REPL bug in this feature.

torbjornvatn 2017-03-10T13:08:34.964428Z

I can add an issue if you want

jasongilman 2017-03-10T14:31:08.945016Z

That would be helpful if you could do that.

lum 2017-03-10T16:21:43.783859Z

Hi, a novice question. Using Atom first time, already installed protorepl. Started a project fwpd from "Clojure for the Brave and True". In my core.clj file I have this: (ns fwpd.core) (def filename "suspects.csv") (slurp filename). In the repl tab, got this message:

lum 2017-03-10T16:21:49.785794Z

nREPL server started on port 42481 on host - <nrepl://> Refreshing code... No user namespace defined. Defaulting to not available. Add proto-repl in your project.clj as a dependency to allow refresh. See java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No such namespace: REPL already running

lum 2017-03-10T16:23:05.807693Z

What and where should I add what namespace?

seancorfield 2017-03-10T17:50:46.263765Z

That error means you need to add [proto-repl “0.3.1”] to the :dependencies vector in project.clj.

seancorfield 2017-03-10T17:51:45.278231Z

ProtoREPL relies on that library to do some of its magic, and that in turn ensures tools.namespace is added to your project.

seancorfield 2017-03-10T17:53:58.313167Z

Since you’re working with the Brave/True projects which have side-effecting forms at the top-level in a namespace, you’ll also want to turn off some of ProtoREPL’s namespace reloading settings (I wish they were off by default, to be honest). In Settings > Packages > proto-repl > settings turn off the following:

lum 2017-03-10T19:44:51.084578Z

Thank you very much @seancorfield!